Dear Parents, As you will see from the letter enclosed, signed by the IAGSA doctors: Prof. Fazzi, Dr Orcesi, and Prof. Lebon, IAGSA has started an important new study on the problem of vaccinations in children affected by AGS. You have often contacted us, by letter or phone, to ask about this delicate question. Appreciating your concerns, once again we are doing what we can to address them. Now, however, it is you who need to give us all the information you can, by filling in the special questionnaire. It is only with this information at our disposal that we can carry this work forward. Please answer the questions and return the completed questionnaire to us as soon as possible. Please send it via express/first class mail to : I.A.G.S.A. – Via Vittadini, 1 – 27100 Pavia – Italy. Alternatively you could fax it to us : (0039) 0382 33342 or send it by e-mail : The questionnaire is available on the website www.aicardi-goutiè Thank you all for your help. We send you all, and your children, our warmest good wishes, Fiammetta Boni Longo Presidente I.A.G.S.A.