Together to win

The International Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome Association (IAGSA) was founded in June 2000 as a no-profit organisation whose aim is to coordinate the efforts of parents, doctors and therapists in an effort to raise awareness and spread knowledge of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS).

Brochure 2016 Scientific informations related to the syndrome Little angels Gift ideas to help IAGSA

Nuovo Trial terapeutico

La IAGSA insieme ai suoi medici di riferimento, Prof.ssa Fazzi, Prof.ssa Orcesi, Prof.ssa Galli, Prof. Tonduti, Dott.ssa Varesio e Dott.ssa Vaia, vuole proporre a tutte le famiglie un nuovo trial terapeutico per AGS

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